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Has Never Been Easier

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Interior Painting
Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting

What is the condition of the paint on the house?


What paint quality would you like to use?

Good 5 Year Warranty
Better 7 Year Warranty
Best 10 Year Warranty

Exterior Options

Would you like to paint your soffit/facia?


Would you like to paint your garage door?


Would you like to paint your exterior doors?


Interior Options

I would like to paint my Crown Molding

This is the molding between the wall and the ceiling.


I would like to paint my Baseboards

This is the molding between the wall and the floor.


I would like to paint my interior doors


I would like to paint my ceilings


I would like to paint my closets


Interior Painting

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7325 Ulmerton Rd,
Largo, FL 33770


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Terms and Conditions


This estimate was provided site-unseen through owner input.  Estimate may change upon inspection from our qualified expert estimators after viewing the site.

The cost estimate includes:

  • Costs for local material / equipment delivery to and service provider transportation to and from the job site.
  • Costs to prepare the worksite for House Exterior Painting, including costs to protect existing structure(s), finishes, materials and components.
  • Labor setup time, mobilization time and minimum hourly charges that are commonly included for small House Exterior Painting jobs.

The cost estimate does NOT include:

  • Costs for removing, relocating, repairing, or modifying existing framing, surfacing, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems – or bringing those systems into compliance with current building codes.
  • Costs for testing and remediation of hazardous materials (asbestos, lead, etc.).
  • General contractor overhead and markup for organizing and supervising the House Exterior Painting. Add 13% to 22% to the total cost above if a general contractor will supervise this project.
  • Sales tax on materials and supplies.
  • Permit or inspection fees (or portion thereof) required by your local building department for your overall project.


The Contractor shall clean up and restore all evidence of his operations, both inside and outside the project. The Contractor agrees to close all common area doors including roof doors and electrical room doors at the end of each day and a time when employees have left the premise during the day.


The Contractor shall supply a mobile trailer to store paint, equipment and other materials. Owner will assign parking spaces. Material will be properly stored at the end of each work day. The Contractor will utilize only approved space provided and approved by the Association.


It will be necessary for the Contractor to register his personnel if it is necessary for them to enter or leave the building.


All areas of the ground, building, windows, parking areas, and patios shall be left clean of any paint drippings and splatter. Plants, shrubbery, and trees shall be protected by the Contractor from paint drippings and splatters.


All work shall be inspected and approved by the paint manufacture’s factory representative. The Contractor shall provide a periodic written report from the factory representative for each of its operations.


It is recognized that the Contractor may attach scaffold and/or scaffold clamps to the parapet walls of the building in order to carry out the work. In moving around the roofs, or on terraces, the Contractor shall provide protective deck boards or strips of plywood to prevent damage to the roof, parapets or terraces.


If during the execution of the work, one of the employee’s breaks a window while performing his duties, the Contractor shall, cover the opening to protect from the elements and replace the window glass promptly. This will be done based on availability of the replacement glass. Extreme care shall be taken while removing any spattered paint from surface to avoid scratching.


Owner agrees to supply the Contractor with necessary electricity and water required to operate his equipment and carry out the work.


The intent of the Technical Specifications is to describe all required work, conditions or performance, and materials for the property.


  • Pressure Cleaning:
  1. All exterior surfaces designated for painting are to be pressure cleaned using a minimum of 3000 lbs/psi to remove surface contamination, salt deposits and mildew.
  2. On areas where mildew is present, remove mildew using a solution of Clorox Chlorine and Soilax per five gallons of water. Mix thoroughly, apply to surface with stiff brush, broom or wand allow reaction time, rinse with pressure cleaner or water hose.
  3. If severe sheets of peeling occur due to failure of past application of coatings, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for the additional time required in removing excess paint peeling.
  4. The removal of severe paint peeling is limited to Five Hundred Square Feet (500 SF) in our base bid
  • Material Application for Base Bid using PPG spec:

Exterior Masonry Walls, Columns, Walkway & Lanai Ceilings, Garage Walls, Garage Ceilings, Garage Columns, (2) Stairwells, Gazebo Columns, Etc.:
Pretreatment: Perform all necessary repairs to cracks and voids as outlined—stucco and concrete repairs, if required, to be billed on unit cost basis.
1st Coat: PPG Perma-Crete Clear Acrylic Surface Sealer #4-808
2nd Coat: PPG Porter Acri-Shield Satin Acrylic Exterior Paint #PP739 Series.
NOTE: Gazebo Ceiling is EXCLUDED.
NOTE: Face Of Floor #’s.

Exterior Doors & Frames (Wood / Metal) – 58 Unit Entry Doors/Svc, Stairwell Doors
Pretreatment: “Spot prime” (Wood) with PPG Seal-Grip #17-921 series as needed.
Pretreatment: “Spot prime” (Metal) with PPG Univ. Primer #4360 Series as needed.
1st Coat: PPG BREAK-THROUGH Gloss Water-Borne Acrylic #V70-610
2nd Coat: PPG BREAK-THROUGH Gloss Water-Borne Acrylic #V70-610 NOTE: there is no Warranty against the Recurrence of Rust.
NOTE: All Doors except Unit Entry Doors to be Painted Both Sides.

  • Material Application for Base Bid using Florida Paints spec:

Exterior Masonry Walls, Columns, Walkway & Lanai Ceilings, Garage Walls, Garage Ceilings, Garage Columns, (2) Stairwells, Gazebo Columns, Etc.:
Pretreatment: Perform all necessary repairs to cracks and voids as outlined—stucco and concrete repairs, if required, to be billed on unit cost basis.
1st Coat: FP 3690 Aquaseal Latex Surface Conditioner
2nd Coat: FP 1220 Seaside Premium Acrylic Satin
NOTE: Gazebo Ceiling is EXCLUDED.
NOTE: Face Of Floor #’s.

Exterior Doors & Frames (Wood / Metal) – 58 Unit Entry Doors/Svc, Stairwell Doors
Pretreatment: “Spot prime” (Wood) with PPG 3690 Aquaseal Latex Conditioner as needed.
Pretreatment: “Spot prime” (Metal) with FP 5450 Ironman Alkyd Metal Primer as needed.
1st Coat: FP 7740 Scott Thane WB Acrylic Urethane Enamel Gloss
NOTE: there is no Warranty against the Recurrence of Rust.
NOTE: All Doors except Unit Entry Doors to be Painted Both Sides.


  1. All hairline cracks (less than 1/16”) are to be detailed with Elastomeric Patching Compound to match existing texture as close as possible. Bridge crack approximately 2” on both sides and crown center directly over crack approximately 1/16” to allow for thermal movement.
  2. All cracks greater than 1/16” are to be routed open to form “U” or “V” shape, dusted clean, and packed with One Part Urethane Sealant. Force Urethane into crack to insure adhesion to inner wall surface. Permit Urethane to tack cure, then apply a detailed cost of Elastomeric Patching Compound over repaired areas. Bridge crack approximately 1/16” to allow for thermal movement. Match existing texture as close as possible.

Note: Any major repair will be the responsibility of the Owner such as stucco repairs, concrete restoration, asbestos testing, corner bead, etc. Please note any repairs can be completed through our restoration division who are Certified General Contractors.

Note: Structural patching can no longer be performed by a Painting Contractor. If any such  repair is necessary, it must be performed by a General Contractor licensed to do such work.


1. All sealants will be inspected for any failing properties.


  1. Workmen’s Compensation shall be carried for Contractor’s employees, coverage and Payment’s according to Florida State Law. Exemptions and subcontractors shall not be allowed.
    Note: All of our employees are full time employees and are on our Workers Compensation policy, including the officers.
  2. Contractor shall have a valid painting license.
  3. Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits. The cost of these permits is the responsibility of the Owner and will be invoiced accordingly.
  4. Contractor shall pay all municipal and utility company fees, i.e. for closing off sidewalks or de-energizing power lines. These charges are solely the responsibility of the Owner and will be invoiced to the Owner, if incurred.
  5. The Contractor shall provide certificates and maintain the following insurance coverage’s to the stated limits applicable:
    • General Liability………………………………….. 1,000,000 per occurrence
      • 2,000,000 Aggregate
    • Employer’s Liability………………………………………………………………. 1,000,000/500,000/100,000
    • Umbrella Liability………………………………… 4,000,000 per occurrence
      • 5,000,000 Aggregate
        *The umbrella must be in excess of both General Liability and Employer’s Liability
  6. The contractor shall comply with all fire and OSHA safety regulations throughout project.
  7. If the owner’s representative feels that unsafe condition exists, she/he has the right to stop the project until condition is corrected.
  8. Contractor shall notify Owner’s representative three (3) days in advance of starting and painting and/or pressure cleaning so that vehicles are moved by tenants/unit owners.
  9. Contractor shall be responsible for tearing any screens, broken windows, paint spills, paint on cars, or any other damage caused by the Contractor’s workers.
  10. Contractor is responsible for replacement of damaged grass, shrubs, trees, concrete sidewalks, windows, and screened balconies where damage is due to workmen’s negligence.
  11. Contractor may furnish a list of pre-existing conditions on the project. This list, covering items at project, will protect the Contractor in the event he is questioned regarding conditions that were present prior to commencement of project. The damage list must be furnished to the Owner before pressure cleaning of project.
  12. Contractor shall use plywood under the lift equipment at all times while these machines are on the grass or dirt.
  13. Contractor shall take special care not to break roof tiles. If tiles are already broken, Contractor is to make Owner aware of the number of pre-existing broken tiles. Contractor shall not be responsible for those tiles.
  14. The Contractor shall arrange with Owner for working space, space for storage trailer for materials, and access to the areas where work of the Contractor is to be performed.
  15. The Contractor, once having started the work, shall continuously and expeditiously proceed with its vigorous prosecution until completion.
  16. All stages, ladders, etc. shall be secured at the end of each workday.
  17. Should any unforeseen conditions be found during the course of the work the Contractor shall notify Manufacture (to be named upon execution of contract), Technical Department, immediately in order to determine remedial measures necessary to correct same.
  18. These specifications are in effect for six (6) months from this date. If the work has not commenced within six (6) months, a re-inspection will be required to validate warranty.
  19. These specifications are prepared assuming application of the same or similar color to existing finish. For transparent colors or color changes it is recommended that one gallon of sealer and one gallon of finish color be applied to see if proper hiding is achieved. If same or similar colors do not cover according to the specifications, an extra amount shall be paid to the Contractor for the third coat. This shall be established at the start of the project.
  20. Contractor shall not be responsible for the cleaning of any outdoor carpeting upon completion of pressure cleaning.
  21. The Contractor and material manufactures shall provide a warranty, respectively, as follows.


Paintmaster, Inc., DBA Munyan Painting Service., the Contractor and (either PPG or Florida Paints, named upon execution of this contract) shall warranty for seven (7) years against chipping, peeling or flaking and excessive chalking as a direct result of faulty workmanship. An absolute condition precedent to this warranty is Owners full compliance with all obligations set forth herein, including without limitation, full timely payments. Stucco and masonry surfaces only.

Except as are set forth herein, there are no warranties, expressed or implied, made by Contractor and all warrantied, including merchantability, habitat ability or fitness for any purpose or intended use are disclaimed. Contractor shall assign to Owner any manufacture’s warranties incorporated into his construction. But otherwise, Contractor makes no warranties with regard to this there to.

Excluded from this warranty: Peeling, blistering, chalking, fading or loss of adhesion resulting directly or indirectly from cause other than faulty workmanship and/or material failure. Excessive heat or moisture, hail, floods, hurricanes, windstorms and other Acts of God, mechanical or electrical damage, abrasion, collision, environmental pollution, condensation or other moisture under or from within the building surface, settling or movement of building structure, seepage or leakage through undercoated areas of building causing delamination of the new system, or any damages caused by water intrusion to the interior of the property, whether direct or indirect, incidental, consequential, or otherwise.


  1. Color selection shall be made by appointed representatives.
  2. Upon request by Owner, a sample of the final finish shall be prepared on the job utilizing existing wall surfaces before job commencement.


  1. Contractor shall have all materials delivered to job site in unbroken containers bearing manufacture’s brand, product name and number, plus color designated.
  2. Contractor shall store materials and equipment at site in properly, ventilated and secured areas assigned for this purpose by the acting associate. All receiving shall be done in this location.
  3. Contractor shall comply with Manufacture’s recommendations as to environmental conditions under which materials can be supplied.
  4. Contractor shall repair or cause to be repaired any surfaces damaged by operation.


  1. Owner or Association is to cut back shrubbery to permit workmen free and adequate access to areas designated for painting.
  2. Owner shall have cars moved according to schedules so that contract is not delayed during painting project.
  3. Owner shall be responsible for removing and replacing all items from screened balconies and/or patios so items are not damaged. Any item damaged because it is not removed shall not be the responsibility of the Contractor.
  4. Owner is responsible for the removal of cars on building grounds with advance notice of two (2) days to prevent possible paint spattering from scaffold or workmen on ladders.
  5. Owner shall supply electrical service for equipment and water for building cleaning and clean-up. Owner shall supply electricity and water at no cost to the contractor.
  6. Owner to remove and replace all screens as necessary. Owner shall be responsible for leaving or removing window screens during the painting process.
  7. Owner shall replace broken roof tiles that are broken during pressure cleaning and painting building.
  8. This work is being performed for the Owners benefit and at the Owners risk regarding inclement weather. Any mobilization or demobilization expenses and any exterior protection of building areas exposed during process of work due to hurricanes and other atypical inclement weather would be chargeable on a time and material basis.
  9. Once the contract has been signed, the Owner may not cancel the contract at any time unless the Owner pays for all materials and equipment ordered, along with a 25% cancellation fee. If a portion of the work is already completed, the Owner shall pay for the labor in addition to this cost.

If Owner postpones a contract from the original start date, more than 60 days, a 5% increase shall be charged for entire contract amount to cover the increase of labor and material cost.

An exception in the 5% increase would pertain to any long term Contract agreed to by both parties.


It is the sole responsibility of Contractor to secure, safeguard, and protect its material and operation from damage and theft formally accepted by Owner. Contractor shall promptly remedy all damage or loss to any property caused in whole or in part by Contractor, any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. Contractor shall be responsible to Owner for the acts and omission of its employees, subcontractors, and their agents and employees, and other persons performing any of the work under a contract with the Contractor.


The work includes all transportation, storage, equipment, supplies, labor, and materials necessary for a complete and functional installation and the work shall comply with all applicable building codes. The work shall also include all labor, materials, and everything required or claimed by Contractor’s material men, suppliers, or laborers to complete the work.

Contractor shall provide all notices and comply with all local ordinances, requirements of city and county building codes, and federal and state authorities which are applicable to the work, local sanitary laws and rules and regulations, and all orders, both present and future, and interpretations of such ordinances, requirements, laws, such rules, and regulations by governing public authorities, regardless of whether such ordinances, requirements, laws, such rules and regulations are set forth in this contract. Contractor shall furnish, without any extra charge, any additional materials and labor which may be required to comply with such ordinances, requirements, laws, rules and regulations.

Contractor will pay all social security and other taxes imposed upon him as an employer in connection with the performance of this contract and will furnish evidence, when required by Owner, showing that all such payments required to be made have been paid.


The final payment will be due ten (10) days after substantial completion of the project. Substantial completion, as used herein, shall be defined as that time when construction is completed. If corrective or repair work remains to be accomplished by the Contractor after the project is ready for occupancy, the Contractor will perform such work within a reasonable time and the Owner will not withhold payment pending the completion of such minor work. Payments not timely made shall accrue interest rate of 18% per annum until fully paid.


Should Owner, construction lender, or any public agency or inspector direct any modification of or addition to the work covered by this Contract, the cost shall be added to the contract price. This includes extra work after the arising as a result of new or additional standards, Ordinance’s, regulations which arise subsequent to the date of this Contract, or unforeseen utility Line’s, unsuitable materials in the earth, or other conflicts that are not specifically identified in this

contract. In the case of all extra work hereunder, the Contractor will be paid the cost of work, together with a sum equal to 15% percent for its overhead profit plus an administrative fee of

$35.00 for each change order. Payments for extra work will be made as extra work progresses, concurrently with progress payments. Orders for extra work should be made in writing, with the price agreed to in advance. However, if extra work is performed pursuant to verbal direction of Owner, the Contractor is entitled to be paid for such work, whether or not the extra work order is reduced to writing.


Contractor & Owner will agree on start date. Contractor will commence work and shall use its best efforts to complete the work in a timely manner subject to permissible delays. However, no damages for delays in the completion of the work shall exist in favor of Owner.


Owner will provide and pay for all necessary engineering and testing reports, building permits as well as bonds, assessments, hookup chargers, financing fees, facility fees, and exactions of utilities and public agencies that are imposed to pay facilities costs. These costs are in addition to the price set forth in Paragraph Four herein unless specifically designated in this Agreement to be included.


The Contractor shall pay all valid charges for labor and material incurred by Contractor and used in the construction of the project. Contractor is excused from this obligation for bills received in any period during which the Owner is in arrears in making payments to Contractor.

28.   DEFAULT.

If Owner should default in any of its obligations under this Contract, Contractor may recover, as damages, either the reasonable value of the work performed by Contractor, or the balance of the Contract price plus any other damages sustained as a result of Owner’s default. If, after signing this Contract, Owner refuses to permit Contractor to proceed with the construction of the project, Owner realizes Contractor would suffer damages including loss of profit which Contractor would otherwise have made on the project. It would be difficult and impractical to determine the amount of such damaged, and it is therefore agreed that, in the event of such default, Owner will pay Contractor fifteen (15%) percent of the contract price liquidated damages.

29.   DELAY.

Contractor shall be excused for the delay in completion of the contract by Acts of God, acts of the Owner, inclement weather, labor trouble, acts of public agencies, inspectors, or public utilities, extra work, failure of the Owner to make progress payments promptly, or other contingencies unforeseen by Contractor and beyond the reasonable control of Contractor.


Contractor shall have the right to stop work if payments are not made when due under this Contract, and may keep the job idle until all payments have been received. In the event any payments dues hereunder are past due for a period exceeding fourteen (14) days, Contractor may declare a material breach under this Contract and terminate all further performance hereunder. At such time, Contractor shall be entitled to all damages set forth in the Default provisions hereunder or otherwise allowed under Florida Law.


In the event of litigation arising out of this Contract or the performance thereof, the court will award reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in an attempt to resolve any dispute, dispute resolution proceedings, trial preparation, and trial appeal to the prevailing party. It is understood that both sides are to give up the right to a jury trial. Both sides agree to have a judge decide contract disputes. “To the full extent permitted by law, the parties hereby express and knowingly waive any right to jury trial they may have for all causes, claims, and issues in any way relating to or directly, indirectly, wholly, or in part, arising from the contract.”


All of the provisions of this contract will be binding on the assignees, successors, parent companies, and subsidiary companies of both parties. If either party is acquired by a corporation through purchase, merger, or consolidation, the provision of this Contract will be binding on the successor or surviving corporation.


This Contract shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any litigation arising hereunder shall be exclusively in (Pinellas County) and each party hereto hereby waives any and all rights it may otherwise have to selection of venue.


No claim or set off shall be allowed or made by Owner to Contractor based on any claim, including an alleged breach of Contract, delay, breach of warranty, claims, for deficient workshop or other claim arising hereunder until thirty (30) days have elapsed following the furnishing to Contractor a written notice as provide herein. Said written notice shall set forth, in detail, the alleged claim, defect or breach and the remedy requested. Said notice shall be furnished to Contractor at the address set forth herein, via certified mail return receipt requested. The thirty (30) day period shall begin to run upon receipt of said Contractor. During said thirty (30) Day period, Contractor shall have the opportunity to address or cure any such claim and Owner shall provide access and full cooperation in the resolving of any such claim. In the event such notice is provided, as set forth herein, prior to the time of a scheduled draw payment or final payment, no defenses or setoff to such payment shall exist.


Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the property owner and the property management company from and against all claims, damages, losses, judgments and expenses including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees in litigation, arising out of or resulting from the Contractor’s performance under this Agreement, or in violation of this Agreement, within the limitation or exclusion of the contractors insurance policies when caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor or anyone for whose acts the Contractor may be liable.


Should any provision or portion of this Agreement by adjudged invalid, illegal, unconscionable or in conflict with any law of the State of Florida, the validity, legally and enforceability of all remaining provisions and portions of this Agreement shall not be affected or impaired thereby.

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions stated above.


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    Heated SqFt
    Num Stories
    Year Built


    Ext Condition
    Ext Quality

    Garage Count
    Ext doors
    Ext door count

    Bedroom Count
    Bathroom Count
    Kitchen Count
    Garage Count

    Closet Count

    Crown Molding
    Int Doors
    Int Doors Qty

    Interior Quality

    Paint Choice

    Meet Date
    Meet time